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Trifonova Anna is  an art director and  production desiner with expiriece in set designe, sheduling and shooting .She has been working in the industry since her graduation from Russian State Film University (Vgik) in 2013 year.Anna studied of art including oil painting ,graphic art and monumental painting in Art School and the University.She contined own education in Moscow State University of Architecture for studing computure skills. Ann's great interest is architecture and she uses it in her projects.

Selected Filmography


With my own eyes

2011 year.

director Zaur Bolotaev.

production designer Vlad Ogai

assistant  of art director, 

reality Day and night

2014 year

 production designer Ilya evdokimov

art director

The roof of the world

2015 year

The director Roman Fokin\ STS\Production "The sky"

Production designer Trifonova Anna

The raid

2016 year.

director  Karen Oganesjan

Production designer Ilya Evdokimov

Art director

The Life is go on

2017 year

Director Karen Oganesyan

Production designer Trifonova Anna

The Bottom

2017 year

The  director Sergej Miroshnichenko

Production designer Ilya Evdokimov

Art Director

The spider

Production designer  Ilya Evdokimov

Art director Trifonova Anna

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